Crex Crex is a playful workshop that encourages us to embody the more than human through listening, voicing and manipulating sound. Inspired in soundscape theory, using techniques of voice experimentation, sound design, and psychodynamic mirroring, we deploy the means of fabulation as defined by Donna Haraway to examine the possibility of becoming birds by listening to bird-habitats and embodying bird-voices.
Through this speculative workshop we will spend time in the garden of Die Kleine Stadt-Farm observing and listening to the sounds and rhythms of the environment to then become one with a sonic subject of our choice through mimicking .
For this we will use deep listening techniques inspired in the meditations of Pauline Oliveros, the categorisation of the soundscape by Pierre Schaffer, entry-level voice experimentation, and object manipulation with found and provided sound objects.
The theoretical framework of the workshop is informed by acoustic ecology and sound space studies, new materialisms, and indigenous cosmologies.
Participants are encouraged to dress with garments inspired by the Crex Crex or Corncrake, an endangered yet once common meadowland bird of the Danube wetlands.
Through this speculative workshop we will spend time in the garden of Die Kleine Stadt-Farm observing and listening to the sounds and rhythms of the environment to then become one with a sonic subject of our choice through mimicking .
For this we will use deep listening techniques inspired in the meditations of Pauline Oliveros, the categorisation of the soundscape by Pierre Schaffer, entry-level voice experimentation, and object manipulation with found and provided sound objects.
The theoretical framework of the workshop is informed by acoustic ecology and sound space studies, new materialisms, and indigenous cosmologies.
Participants are encouraged to dress with garments inspired by the Crex Crex or Corncrake, an endangered yet once common meadowland bird of the Danube wetlands.